Using Evolview

To start using the Evolview you just have to click the "Try me" button on the window.

At the "login" page, click "Use without an account"

At the "mytrees" page, click the folder icon on the "Basic" tab (the only icon that's clickable if no tree is active). in the popup window, enter the following contents and click the button "Submit" at the bottom:

Project: new project
Name: test tree
Data: (chicken,((mouse,rat),(chimp,human)));

  1. Upload tree control icon
  2. Project name text box
  3. Tree name text box
  4. Select demo tree (for load trees from user guide tree examples)
  5. Select tree input format.
  6. Tree text editor: Paste the tree contents here. or use demo tree option to load trees from user guide examples.
The tree will be shown as the following if there is no error in your input: