Table of contents


Bar charts will be displayed next to leaf labels. For example:


Multiple bar-chart datasets can be uploaded to a tree and shown next to each other; uploaded datasets can be managed using the control panel:

Supported modifiers

The following 'modifiers' (Key-Value pairs) are supported for bar charts:

Key (case insensitive) Value Description
universal modifiers
!Groups or !LegendText comma separated text Legend texts; for example 'group_a,group_b,group_c'
!LegendStyle or !Style rect or circle or star shapes to be plotted before the legend texts; default = rect
!LegendColors or !Colors comma separated color codes or names colors to be applied to the shapes specified by LegendStyle; for example 'red,green,yellow' ; note the number of colors should match the number of legend fields
!Title or !Legend text title of the legend; default = name of the dataset
!ShowLegends 0 or 1 0 : hide legends; 1 : show legends
!opacity float number between 0 to 1 opacity of the dataset
none pie chart modifiers modifiers that apply to some charts but not to pies
!PlotWidth integer > 0 pixel width of the dataset on canvas
!itemHeightPX or !barHeightPX integer > 0 pixel height of each bar; see examples bellow
!itemHeightPCT or !barHeightPCT float number between 1 to 100 percentage of available height taken by each bar; see examples bellow
!grid none show a background grid
!gridlabel or !axis none show the values corresponding to the grid lines
bar charts specific
!align or !alignIndividualColumn none align individual columns if the bars are stacked
!Fanplot or ! Fan none works only with circular tree; see examples bellow
new: !showdataValue show data values; see here for more details
new: !RowDataReorder no, asc, desc reorder the display order of stacked bars according to their corresponding values. default no; asc: in ascending order; desc: in descending order; see here for more details

notes on preparing your datasets!!

  1. please always use TAB to separate the modifiers and their values.
  2. some modifiers should not be used in combination, e.g. !itemHeightPX and !itemHeightPCT.
  3. However if both are used (accidentally), only !itemHeightPX be used.
  4. if a modifier is used (accidentally) multiple tiles, only the last one will be used.
  5. the "data" part of this dataset can only contain two columns of tab-delimited texts; the third column, if presents, will be ignored
  6. please also always use TAB to separate the columns in the data section.


The tree :


Example 1:

!groups	2009,2010,2011
!colors	lightblue,yellow,green
!showLegends	1
!plotwidth	100
!style	rect
!title	an example of bar plots
A	2,3,1
B	10,20,1
C	8,9,2
D	20,3,4

Example 2 (the same as the first one, with the following additional lines):

## turn grid on

Example 3 (the same as the first one, with the following additional lines):

## turn grid on
## align individual columns

Example 4:

## fan plot of the bars in circular mode

Example 5:

## grid and grid label
!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

Example 6:

## fan plot of the bars in circular mode
## and align individual columns
!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

heights of individual bars

By default, the height of an individual bar is 10 pixel, it can be changed using two modifiers:

  • !itemHeightPX
  • !itemHeightPCT !itemHeightPX specifies the absolute pixel height for individual bars; its value ranges from >0 to 40. Here are some examples:

Example 1 on item/ bar height:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
## -- set height for individual bars --
## -- default value is 10 --
!itemHeightPX	10
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20D 20,5,20

Example 2 on item/bar height:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
## -- now we change the height to 20 --
!itemHeightPX	20
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

Example 3 on bar height:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
## -- if the pixel height is larger than the available space,
## -- which is 30 pixel in this case,
## -- only available space will be taken by the bars (30 pixel)
!itemHeightPX	35
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

!itemHeightPCT specifies the percentage of available space taken by a bar; its value ranges from 1 to 100.

Example 4 on bar height:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
## -- let's first of all take 60% of the space ... --
!itemHeightPCT	60
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

Example 5 on bar height:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
## -- bar height increases / decreases with increasing / decreasing vertical scale --
## -- still taking 60% of the space ... --
!itemHeightPCT	60
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

Example 6 on bar height:

## --

Show data values

Now users can use modifier '!showdataValue' to enable the display the bar values.

First, let's see an example: the tree :


the dataset (copy & paste) :

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
!title	Example of barplots 4
!plotwidth	200
!itemHeightPCT	80
!showLegends	0

## -- here you go the new modifier --
## -- please use 'TAB' to separate this modifier with its value --
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=1,textalign=end

A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

and the result:

The 'value' part of the modifier !showdataValue can be any combination of the following, separated by a ",":

key-value alternative value description
show = 1 0 show or hide data values; optional; the data values will be shown if omitted
fontsize=12 any integer set font size; optional; default = 10
fontcolor=red any value color name set text color; optional; default = black
fontitalic=1 0 set font italic; optional; default = 0
textalign=middle start or end set text align; optional; default = middle; see the following examples

Here are some more examples.

Example 1:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
!title	Example of barplots 4
!plotwidth	200
!itemHeightPCT	80
!showLegends	0

!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=1,textalign=end,fontcolor=white
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

Example 2: align the values to the end of the bars:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
!title	Example of barplots 4
!plotwidth	200
!itemHeightPCT	80
!showLegends	0

!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=1,textalign=end,fontcolor=white
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

Example 3: align the values to the start of the bars:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
!title	Example of barplots 4
!plotwidth	200
!itemHeightPCT	80
!showLegends	0
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=1,textalign=start,fontcolor=white
A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

Change display order of stacked bars

Users now can use modifier '!RowDataReorder' to change the display order of the stacked bars according to their corresponding values in either ascending or descending orders.

Let's see some examples. First the tree:


example 1, the default barplot:

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
!title	barplot with data shown
!itemHeightPCT	80
!plotWidth	150

### last modified: sep 28, 2014
!showDataFontSize	10
!showDataFontColor	white
!showDataTextAlign	start

A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

example 2, barplot with row data re-ordered in ascending order.

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
!title	barplot with data shown
!itemHeightPCT	80
!plotWidth	150

## -- new modifier here!!!
!RowDataReorder	asc

### last modified: sep 28, 2014
!showDataFontSize	10
!showDataFontColor	white
!showDataTextAlign	start

A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20

example 3, barplot with row data re-ordered in descending order.

!groups	group 1,group 2,group 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,#B76EB8
!title	barplot with data shown
!itemHeightPCT	80
!plotWidth	150

## -- new modifier here!!!
!RowDataReorder	desc

### last modified: sep 28, 2014
!showDataFontSize	10
!showDataFontColor	white
!showDataTextAlign	start

A	8,13,5
B	10,20,7
C	8,9,7
D	20,5,20