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Collapse internal nodes


With this annotation type, users can :

  • collapse at internal nodes
  • show a small triangle at the collapsed nodes that is proportional to the number of leaves that the collapsed node contains

Please note

  • a tree CAN NOT be collapsed at leaf nodes or the root
  • this feature does NOT work in "slanted cladogram" mode

Datasets can be uploaded using the following button on the toolbar:

Here is an example:

Supported modifiers

We didn't introduce new modifiers for this annotation type; only the following universal modifiers related to legends are supported:

Key (case insensitive) Value Description
!Groups or !LegendText comma separated text Legend texts; for example 'group_a,group_b,group_c'
!LegendStyle or !Style rect or circle or star shapes to be plotted before the legend texts; default = rect
!LegendColors or !Colors comma separated color codes or names colors to be applied to the shapes specified by LegendStyle; for example 'red,green,yellow' ; note the number of colors should match the number of legend fields
!Title or !Legend text title of the legend; default = name of the dataset
!ShowLegends 0 or 1 0 : hide legends; 1 : show legends

Specify/ define the internal node(s) to collapse

The data part contains a list of internal nodes at which the tree should collapse. There are three ways of specifying an internal node. Let's take the following tree as an example:


Now we try to collapse the tree at the last common ancestor of the leaf nodes "C" and "E". The simplest way is to upload a dataset with the following content:


Alternatively, users can point to the internal node by using its "internal id" or name (if available); to find out such information, simply mouseover the internal node of interest:

Therefore the above dataset is equivalent to:

## internal id

... or

## name of the internal node

Please consult this wiki for more information on naming internal nodes.

Of course users can collapse at multiple internal nodes at the same time. Let's use a different tree:

( ( (A:0.4,B:0.3)90:0.2,(C:0.1,D:0.001)75:0.2 )90:0.3, E:0.44 )100:0.3;

This tree does not have named internal nodes, so we use leaf nodes to define the internal nodes at where the tree would collapses:


Size of the triangles

The height of a triangle is proportional to the number of leaf nodes that the corresponding internal node contains, it is calculated using the equation:

( 1 + log10( number of contained daughter nodes ) ) * vertical scale * 30%

while the width of the triangle is defined by "horizontal scale".

The "vertical scale" and "horizontal scale" can be changed/ specified using the toolbar (the "Basic" tab):

Customise the collapsed nodes

Naming collapsed nodes (work in progress)

By default, the text displayed next to the collapsed node is the node name (see the annotated figure above); if the node is not named, its internal name (INT###) will be used.

Please consult this wiki for more information on naming internal nodes.

In the future, we'll allow users to name the collapsed nodes directly in the dataset. For example:

C,D	name=my collapsed node

Styling collapsed nodes

Users can customise the visualisation styles of the collapsed nodes using the grammar below. For example:

C,D	name=my collapsed node,color=yellow,linewidth=2,linestyle=dashed

please note that HTML codes are also supported for the name; for example:

Scer|YPL277C,Spar|spar435-g2.1	name=my triangle,color=green,linewidth=2,linestyle=dashed

will be visualised as:

please note that we support HTML coded texts as the name of the collapsed node; for example:

Scer|YPL277C,Spar|spar435-g2.1	name=my <i style="color:pink">triangle</i>,color=green,linewidth=2,linestyle=dashed

when the HTML mode is enabled (by using the 'HTML' button on the toolbar), the collapsed node will be visualised as:

Here the tree (which also contains some HTML code):

((((((Scer|<i style="color:red;background-color:lightgreen">YPL277C</i>:1.234e-10,Spar|spar435-g2.1),Sbay|sbayc582-g2.1),(Scer|YOR389W,Smik|smik240-g1.1)),(Klac|KLLA0E19349g,Sklu|SAKL0A04994g)),Ylip|YALI0A21131g),Anid|AN4574);

please note that under HTML mode, exporting to graphical formats may NOT work. You may export your visualisation to a SVG file, but it can only be visualised correctly by browsers such as Firefox, Google Chrome and Apple Safari, NOT by Adobe Illustrator.

Add datasets to a collapsed tree

In general, collapsed internal nodes are treated as leaf nodes. An internal node can be identified by its internal id, or if available, node name. To find such information, users can simply mouse-over an internal node.

Here we use some examples to show how to add other datasets to a collapsed tree.

The tree:

( ( (A:0.4,B:0.3)90:0.2,(C:0.1,D:0.001)75:0.2 )90:0.3, E:0.44 )100:0.3;

... and the dataset for collapsing the tree (the same as the example above):


Branch colors

## note the branch color applies to the triangles too.
INT3	lightblue
E	darkgreen

## 'ad' works but the 'prefix' and 'suffix' do not
## here INT3,INT4 defines the last common ancestor on the tree,
## 'ad' means that the color 'red' would be applied to all its descendants.
INT3,INT4	red	ad

see here for more about branch colors.

Leaf colors and leaf background colors

## leaf colors
E	darkred
INT3	pink
INT4	green

## leaf bk color
INT3	lightblue
INT4	lightgreen
E	pink

please see here for more information on leaf colors, and here for leaf background colors.

Color shapes and strips

##color strips
!type	strip,check,rect,star,circle
## -- here A,B == INT3
A,B	red,green,blue
## -- or directly use the internal id to point to an internal node --
INT4	lightblue
E	darkgreen,grey,pink

... in circular mode:

pie charts

leaf label decorations

!defaultstrokewidth	2
## -- use internal id of an internal node --
INT3	rect,pink:red	check,pink
## -- use two leaf nodes to define an internal node --
C,D	triangle,white:darker
## -- a leaf node
E	rect,green:darker

Group label

!grouplabel	style=1,color=pink,show=1,fontsize=14
INT3,INT4	text=group 1,textorientation=vertical
E	text=mammal,color=darkgreen,linewidth=4,fontsize=16,bkcolor=green

... in circular mode:

Dot plot

##dot plots
!groups	dot 1,dot 2,dot 3
!colors	#028482,#7ABA7A,purple
!title	dot plots for a collapsed tree
# -- legends --
!legendstyle	circle
!showLegends	1
## -- if !scalebycol is set to 1, each column of data will be scaled independently
!scalebycol	0
!byarea	1
# ---- grid and grid label / group label are also supported --
!grid	1
!gridlabel	1
# stroke and stroke color also work here
!defaultStrokeColor	pink
#!defaultStrokeWidth	2
# here shape can be 'rect' or 'circle'; roundedcorner only applies to 'rect' shapes ...
!dotplots	shape=circle,margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=3
## -- show data value works at here as well --
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0
!columnlabelstyle	fontsize=12,fontbold=1
## here A,B == INT3
A,B	20,20,20
INT4	8,9,7
E	20,20,20


!legendTitle	heatmap for a collapsed tree
!showLegends	1
#!defaultStrokeColor	pink
#!defaultStrokeWidth	2
!colorgradient	blue, yellow,red
!colorgradientMarkLabel	0,5,10,15,20,25
# -- heatmap column labels --
!showHeatMapColumnLabel	1
!heatmapColumnLabels	e1,e2,e3,control
# -- heatmap --
!heatmap	margin=2,colwidth=30,roundedcorner=2
# -- show data value
!showdataValue	show=1,fontsize=12,fontitalic=0,textalign=start
!columnlabelstyle	fontsize=12,fontbold=1,fontcolor=darkred
INT3	7,9,10,4
C,D	-2,3,5,25
E	16,12,19,4

Column plot

## --
!columnplots	strokewidth=2,fontbold=1,fontsize=16,textangle=-45,spacebetweencolumns=10

## a column of data starts with a 'namedcolumn', it defines global options for the corresponding column
	## followed by the following fragments

## -- 2nd column

## -- 3rd column
namedcolumn=fast evolving,color=lightgreen:darker